Option to hide certain SAMMI yellowtext output
While working with CSV Load and CSV exists, I noticed that it outputs yellowtext in the SAMMI menu of whether it loads a CSV file or not. This got me thinking, would it be possible to get an option to hide or prevent certain yellowtext output in the main menu when running certain commands? It may not seem like much, but with my ADHD it can be quite distracting while streaming and noticing the SAMMI output of redeems or other non-error notification text in the menu, while trying to ensure actual non-crash errors or warnings don't get missed.
Basically the ability to flag certain commands yellowtext output like "x redeemed [certain channel point reward]" or "CSV file did not exist" and hide that output. Bonus points for being able to toggle which commands generate non-error output. More points for being able to customize that output, change certain texts colors or size, or move them to a different, separate output window entirely.
SAMMI mostly sends error alerts now only.
in progress
Lots of non error alerts have been removed in 2022.5.0. This should make it easier to notice any error alerts.