Meld Studio Integration
So, there's a new stream software that looks very promising, maybe you could look into a way to have integration similar to OBS.
Currently it's not a replacement for OBS, but, if it adds the things it's missing, it could be a real contender.. As a Sammi user, this would be great if when it's released, they worked together.
I understand if you're not willing to do it just yet, but thought I'd bring it to you attention.
The software is currently in beta -
Looks like they do offer an API now too
PoetryandLilies I’ll give making an extension for it a go
in just under 3 hours, I got the following commands working:
- Start/Stop/Toggle Streaming (maybe - it uses the same code structure as Recording, but I've not tested this)
- Start/Stop/Toggle Recording
- Scene Switch
- Layer Change/Toggle Visibility
- Effect Change/Toggle Visibility
- Track (Toggle) Mute
- Track Change/Toggle Monitoring
Bumping this post, the software supports Windows and is available on it as well currently.
Unfortunately I doubt this will happen because of 2 big issues:
1) Meld is made for MacOS but SAMMI only supports windows
2) Meld doesn't offer any API or WebSocket which would allow 3rd party programs to connect
Chrizzz I can give you the DL link for Windows, if you want it..
However, I understand about the API/Websocket thing, but it IS available on Windows.
Thanks for the reply tho.